اضف اعلان


- Guardian is the perfect solution if you need to secure large entrances, even if not
manned, with high pedestrian flows. ?
- Also designed for outdoor use, Guardian can be used in airports, ports, large
companies, underground systems, railway stations and stadiums.
- Guardian is the high performance full height turnstile, perfect for environments where
security is an essential requirement.
- Its sturdy structure and pleasing design on one hand make it a powerful deterrent for
crime and on the other offer total user protection.
- Durability and reliability are guaranteed, even outdoors, thanks to the galvanised steel
body and the special epoxy paint, which makes it resistant even in areas subject to
corrosive agents.


السعر : EGP 100
البلد : مصر
الولاية/المحافظة :القاهرة
تواصل مع البائع مباشرة
ارسل رسالة عبر الواتساب
مشاهدات : 4

إعلانات ذات صلة

يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول / تسجيل لتستطيع اضافة تعليق او اعلان مبوب

التعليقات والمراجعة

قم بتنزيل تطبيق بحبش

للحصول على اداء افضل واسهل .. و ميزات مجانية اضافية

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